Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Change For Jane

Her name was Jane Hulsebosch.   She was my math teacher for fifth and sixth grade. Jane was a tall large woman with black tight curly hair. Her eyes were brown and beady, like a ferret. She was approximately five feet and eleven inches tall, but to me she seemed much taller. Jane did not stand, she loomed. If she looked over my shoulder while I took one of her labyrinthine exams, it felt like the sword of Damocles swinging over my head. Jane was an extremely heavy woman who was plagued with varicose veins. When I was young, however, it looked like she had beanbags stored under her skin. Jane was a heavy smoker. I could not help but notice the stale smell of smoke on her fingertips as I gingerly approached her desk with a paper to grade.Jane to me was the educational equivalent of terrorism. I was not stupid enough to actually volunteer an answer to her questions. I attempted, like my other poor unfortunate classmates to crawl into a crevice in the floor by keeping my eyes downcast. Silly me.Like a panther circling its prey Jane walked around our classroom. Employing the Socratic Method, she barked questions at me. And I, paralyzed in fear, failed yet again to answer correctly. The woman was an insidious masochist. I know she delighted in terrorizing us. She threw erasers and chalk at us with the precision of a stealth bomber while wailing â€Å"DOPEY!†My morning prayer was that Mrs. Jane Hulsebosch die a long painful death. In my head I painted glorious medieval deaths. My personal favorite fantasy was one where she is disemboweled. My classmates, however, preferred the â€Å"drawn and quartered† method. God it seemed, never answered our prayers.Then one cold damp winter morning it seemed that God did answer me, well sort of.Jane entered the classroom but her gait was unsteady. She smelled like something I had never identified until I was in college. She smelled like a brewery.Her face was swollen, like someone who just got pummeled in the face during a game of dodge ball, but worse. Was that a black and blue that I saw?   I did not know, and did not care to draw her attention to the fact that I was staring at her. Quickly, I l ooked at my textbook and pretended I was reading.A haunted silence filled my classroom. All of us just sat holding our breath. My stomach felt like there was a lead balloon in it. (Indeed, as I write this paper, the feeling sets in.) What did we do? Did we do something so terrible that we rendered her speechless?Did Sean get caught cheating again? After what seemed like hours, two police officers entered our classroom along with the principal. What was happening? Were we being arrested for being bad students like she promised? Was the threat of our behavior going on our â€Å"permanent record† happening now?No. Jane was being led out of our classroom. Suddenly, as she passed my desk I was compelled to look up at her and a tear hit my shoe.Outside, someone was wailing. It was Jane, but it was not the same yelling that she did in class. What was happening? Our principal entered the classroom and told us that he would be teaching us for awhile and that we should all pray for our teacher.Well, we did†¦but not for her return. That night I remember my parents whispering in hushed horrified tones and then calling me into their bedroom to â€Å"discuss something†.   I was asked an interminable amount of questions about Jane, the throwing, the yelling and that smell.   Jane, they told me was in the hospital. Her husband had been beating her and she had a drinking problem.

Business Case Study – Cctv

Case Study – Extreme CCTV (all details discussed in this case study have been taken from the Extreme CCTV case study as presented in Cases of entrepreneurship: the venture creation process (Morse & Mitchell, 2005)) Student Name: Katrina BinottoStudent Number: S3172726 Course: BUSM 2367 – Business Enterprise One 1. If you were Jack Gin, what would you do: acquire Derwent Systems, based in Newcastle, UK, to extend its reach into Europe, or focus on the IPO? When assessing if Jack Gin should acquire Derwent Systems or focus on IPO it is would be best suggested to undertake a review of the attractiveness and competitive position of the proposed acquisition. One method of doing this is through the use of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix. This matrix assesses the competitive position of the business in its current form, and the aspects of the proposed businesses, against their respective market attractiveness. (Robbins, et al. 2009) The BCG considered businesses in terms of a Cash Cow, Star, Problem Child or Dog. The case study tells us that Extreme CCTV is a growing company with specialized products that produce positive cash flow for the business, which makes it a Cash Cow. Derwent, although they had difficulties with cash flow at the current time, have a specific product base and have a recognized brand name, which sits this business in the Problem Child area of the Matrix. In order to develop a business which could become a star, Derwent would be able to provide the brand and provide recognition, and Extreme is able to provide the business the necessary cash flow to achieve a possible Star business. Therefore I believe that Jack Gin should invest into Derwent Systems as it will allow the acquisition of a recognized product with the ability to sustain positive cash flows assisting in long term sustainability of the business. 2. Briefly outline the risks associated with your recommendation and how the company could manage these risks. There are risks associated both with acquisition and passing the opportunity; Not Acquiring Derwent †¢Will lose access to a high quality high performing product †¢May risk market saturation Ability to provide competitive pricing structure for current product range should competitors produce the same products Acquisition Risks †¢Cash flow – does Extreme have enough cash flow to support Derwent requirements in the short term †¢Change management issues in merging businesses and associated staff cultural issues †¢If competitors are already engaging in the market Extreme is trying to break into – do they have a marke t dominance †¢Geographical issues – managing businesses on two sides of the globe †¢Globalisation and workforce diversity issues 3. List the benefits, and why you believe they outweigh the risks Increased market share †¢Ability to offer the market more products †¢Acquiring the good will of Derwent customers †¢The additional Intellectual property from Derwent research and development †¢Additional staff and their knowledge and experiences †¢Ability to proposed more competitive pricing structures as inputs may be cheaper as business will have greater turn over and thus may be able to purchase components in bulk †¢Economies of scale – not only for tangible inputs but labour inputs †¢Increased borrowing power with the merger of two businesses – increased assets. 4. Analyse Extreme CCTV’s competitive landscape using Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s Five Forces consist of the following; †¢Supplier Power oThis component could be considered as high as with a larger volume of component turnover Derwent could access better trading terms and stronger relationships with suppliers. This would result in more reliable and competitive supply of components and with good relationship management, such as ensuring on time invoice payment, Derwent may be able to become a ‘preferred’ creditor. †¢Consumer Power oQuality would be at the forefront of the consumer’s requirements and thus this component would be considered very high. Without reliable quality products Derwent would allow competitors access to their market, reducing their cash flows and product sales. †¢Substitutes oThere are very few substitutes to CCTV. Any alternative products do not provide the same level of quality or access to the same features provided by Extreme (and Derwent) products, thus this factor is considered low. †¢New Entrants oThe possibility of new entrants into the market is low due to the fact that a number of businesses are already participating in the market, and any new entrants would need a large capital, for research and development and product development. Rivalry oIt is possible that Pelco may merge with other competitors, such as Silent Witness, and their new competitive power would be unknown at this time. Therefore this would be considered a medium risk as neither the new market nor the strategic direction of any competitors is known. 5. Analyse the opportunity using the First Screening Guide INDUSTRY ANALYS IS †¢What is the industry that addresses this market? oCCTV equipment †¢Number of competitors ?Pelco ?Silent Witness †¢Relative size of competitors oNo one competitors having a majority share in the market, which was highly fragmented. Pelco – in Extreme CCTV’s market space, from Southern California oSilent Witness – Canadian public company, worldwide networks with good growths since 1995. MARKET ANALYSIS †¢Is there a need? oIndustry had decided that CCTV use is a vital part of their overall security strategy and have experienced significant benefits oThese benefits in specialized markets, such as government agencies and correctional facilities are not being taken up by the more generalized business and consumer market. †¢Customers? oThere is clear demand for this product in government agencies, correctional facilities, and casinos proven by sales to date. More generalized usage of CCTV over time due to perceived and perhaps real reducti on of crime that has been experienced where CCTV is in use. †¢What value do you add? oThe value added service be provided would be; ?Integrated Day Night Cameras – superb performance ?Product Differentiation – a perceived distinct edge by major distributors †¢Product Life oThe product life expected from this service would be durable, as once the set up was established and trust built with customer they would be very unlikely to ‘try’ a competitor’s product. The security provided and reputation created by Extreme would see more at stake for the consumer and unless motivated by other means, such as additional services or major discounting, they would be reluctant to try another service. †¢What is the current market structure? oThe major competitors in this industry are: ?Pelco, and ?Silent Witness. oFollowing are features of services already provided; ?Pelco – provides similar products to Extreme, but at this time does not have the market reputation nor or they able provide a holistic product range as they are not able to provide an integrated camera. Silent Witness – have a product range that is able to operation in varied operating conditions, but also do not currently provide a product that allows the quality of night vision recording. †¢What is the proposed market size? oThe industry currently serves the following markets: ?Families, ?Singles, and ?Couples of any age group. †¢What is the market’s gr owth potential? oThe potential market available for this service is substantial, although it may be difficult to accurately predict. ?Gin feels that although the market is expanding he is unsure how far it will grow and what may drive this growth. Key drivers for the growth would be the increasing acceptance of CCTV usage and the merge of technologies to strengthen the security features of the products. †¢What would be the proposed cost structure? oExtreme’s proposed product offering would be to provide Derwent products under the Derwent branding, but integrate the results of their research and development which had lead to the development of the even illuminator (UF500) with Extreme’s day/night camera. This would provide a unique product to the market. Pricing for this unique product could be set above the ‘standard’ products and the pricing structure may allow scope to support ongoing research and development investments with a set portion of the pr ofit against these products dedicated to this purpose. Advertising this to the customer may encourage their increased investment in the products Extreme would provide in general. THE NUMBERS †¢Profits after tax? oCurrently Derwent profits after tax have been reducing, from $292,570 in 1998 to $159,111 in 2000. oExtreme has been experiencing good financial growth since its first year of trading in 1997. It could be considered that after Derwent acquisition that profits after tax would still be positive and in fact do have a chance of growth if the market response to the integrated product is strong. †¢Time to break even? oIt Gin purchased Derwent for $2. 6 million is would take approximately 4 years for Extreme to break even against this purchase. This is assuming that their annual profits are approximately $692,000 remains constant and that all other factors such as pay scale and in direct costs remain constant. †¢Time to positive cash? Positive cash flow would take s ome time longer than the estimated 4 years for break even. oWith the development of the desired product and ensuring its marketing and strategic placement would manage it would be possible to achieve positive cash flow very soon after breaking even. †¢ROI Potential? oThe return on investment potential is able to be seen in this business idea, but the level of ROI achievable is not able to be determined at this time as market demand is unreliable at this time. †¢Capital Requirements? oExtreme would require capital investment, through financing, to acquire Derwent. The asset base of Derwent, quoted in 2000 as being $2,353,113 in their financial statements, would provide a significant base for sourcing this finance. When considered as a whole business, i. e. Derwent and Extreme, there would be adequate assets to secure finance to complete the acquisition. The consideration needed by Gin would be the businesses ability to service this size of loan as part of normal operations. †¢Exit Mechanism? oPossible exist strategy would be to sell off the Derwent part of the company should Gin be unable to operate this part of the business. oShould t require a more significant exit from the market then Extreme could sell components and intellectual property to competitors. †¢Value? oStrategic value of the business would be high when established. It would have a solid loyal client base, established branding and market reputation. It would be able to achieve market differentiation needed to provide some assurance of long term sustainability in the market. CAN YOU AFFORD TO PLAY? †¢Production Costs? oProduction costs would differ between operating locations, i. e. Derwent and Extreme factories, as input costs may differ due to the differing localities, i. . Northern America and UK. oEconomies of scale could be achieved in bulk purchase of inputs; however the logistical issues associated with movement of stock between geographic locations may actually inc rease costs should this strategy be employed. This would have to be carefully considered. †¢Marketing Costs? oAs the market in North America currently does not appreciate the Derwent product it would be critical to demonstrate through marketing the benefits that there products, and Extreme’s on trying to enter the market, would have for them. Encouraging distributors and consumers to try the product would be critical in being able to ‘break’ into the market. †¢Distribution Costs? oDistribution costs needed to be considered would be movement of input components, where are the distributors and their clients, and would there be a ‘head office’ hierarchy set up or would the two arms of the Extreme business, i. e. Derwent and Extreme, be seen as equals in the company structure and thus have equal responsibilities and distribution strategies would be determined by each location instead of a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Prices? †¢Pricing structure would need to be competitive with other competitors where product services and capacity is similar, where there are distinct difference between what the competitor can offer and what the new Extreme business could provide the market then the ability to charge inflated prices, limited to the value perceived by the consumer, would be would become available. These potential increase profit margins on specific products could be used either as investment into research and development or to minimise the cost of borrowing. It would be dependent on any marketing strategy that would be linked with the pricing structure. †¢Costs? oBulk buying where possible would represent the best way to minimize costs for this business and achieve any economies of scale. †¢Distribution Channels? oIt would be seen that existing distribution channels to be used to promote and sell the products. As the attractiveness of the product became greater then new distribution channels would open. oAn alternative distribution would be to use the companies own resources. The staff would have the background knowledge on the development of the products and the strategic missions and values of the business and would be able to communicate these as part of their marketing strategy. †¢Barriers to Entry? oEntry into this market at this time is favorable as there are not many competitors and Extreme already holds product differentiation with its current product range. oThe ability to merge research and development from the two businesses would provide a great opportunity to emerging markets globally. †¢Legal/Contractual/Intellectual Property. There are definite intellectual property issues with this merger and then management of research and development results through this business and the proposed merger. oLegal contracts and possible supply and logistic contracts would need to be facilitated to provide opportunity for efficiencies. †¢Contacts and Networks? oContracts and networks already in place for both businesses would be used in the fi rst instance, and then with increase attractiveness of produce new networks and contacts would be developed. It is also evident within the case study that participation at trade shows would provide key opportunities to expand current networks. THE MANAGEMENT TEAM †¢The Extreme structure would remain in its current form. With the proposed retirement of Duffy, Gin would need to find an appropriate management team to continue operations of the Derwent arm of the business. FATAL FLAW/RISK †¢Existence of a Fatal Flaw oThere are possible fatal flaws in this proposal; ?Cost of borrowing required capital to acquire Derwent. ?Ability to establish a suitable management team to continue Derwent operations. ?The need to establish two geographical locations for operations the logistical issues that this may create. Staff culture issues and how Derwent staff would be received and integrate with Extreme employees. †¢Risk? oThere is a risk in this proposal in that the cost of capital required to start up the business may be prohibitive to entering the market, although the use of a merger with a business that has established distribution channels and market would reduce this risk overall. BIBLIOGRAPHY †¢Morse, Eric A, a nd Ronald K Mitchell. Cases in entrepreneurship: the venture creation process. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2005. †¢Robbins, S, R Bergman, I Stagg, and M Coulter. Management. 5th . Pearson Australia, 2009.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Woolf & Baym

Virginia Woolf takes into consideration the necessary conditions required for the creation of a literary work. She considers the schooling as the first pre-requisite for this purpose. Shakespeare’s sister is a manifestation of that aggravation that women writers felt over the passage of time over the issue of lack of equal opportunities for women in the literary domain. In this way she contemplates over the socio-historical reason for the inability of female writers to create a high quality work.She looks at the female historical experience and relates it with her thesis. She poses a historical questions why great women writers were absent from the literary realm in the early history of English literature and why there no Shakespeare and/or Chaucer; â€Å"Why no woman wrote a word of that extraordinary literature when every other man, it seemed, was capable of song or sonnet. † (p. 363) Her dismay over the absence of any female literary giant turns into anger and gloomi ness when she learns about the pathos and miseries of female life.Although she tries to search for any available evidence on Shakespeare’s sister but lack of substantiation compel her employ her imaginary and fictional faculties in relating the predicaments of Shakespeare's sister. Woolf's theory postulates that â€Å"For genius like Shakespeare's is not born among labouring, uneducated, servile people† because she is of the view that literary genius is a production leisure class activity. She further thinks that financial independence nurtures freedom of thought and action and this elevated flight of imagination can only produce a work of the calibre of Shakespeare.Women of that time were not free from these obstacles, so were unable to produce a great literary piece. There was female talent and genius but they wasted their talent in making money. â€Å"Hundreds of women began as the eighteenth century drew on to add to their pin money, or to come to the rescue of th eir families by making translations or writing the innumerable bad novels†(366) That is the reason that â€Å"She died young – alas, she never wrote a word. She lies buried where the omnibuses now stop, opposite the Elephant and Castle. † (367)Baym has evaluated the American literary landscape and has tried to search for the reasons for â€Å"the critical invisibility of the many active women authors in America. † Nina Baym considers the similar question about the plight of women writers in American history as Woolf described. But her attitude toward the topic is not literary but rather feminist. She says that women writer â€Å"has entered the literary history as the enemy. † (593). Even the serious critics cast doubt about the female writings. She further elaborated her point of view and questioned the female presentation in the American literature by the male writer.She described three form of male suppression that is manifested subtly in literat ure. Firstly, a woman is equalized with nature or landscape instead of her real life-like portrayal. She considers it a form of subjugation done by the conscious omission of real female characters. Secondly, she is of the view that women has been presented as an epitome of â€Å"entrappers† or â€Å"domesticators†. She considers this misrepresentation and distortion of female character as a manifestation of male suppression. She draws upon various literary sources and texts to support her arguments and to arrive at her conclusions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Diversity Plan PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Diversity Plan - PowerPoint Presentation Example en looking for players or the sports leaders the sports management board should cast their nets wider in order to recruit people from different ethnic and cultural groups (Cunningham, 2011). The management board should also establish mean of encouraging the underrepresented groups to participate in sports. A campaign should be established to encourage all students to participate in different sports. Those who join the sports should not be discouraged. They should be trained and offered with moral support in order to like the games (Cunningham, 2011). The sports management team in the college should also create a sports culture that enables all students to be involved fully. The culture will enable each person to enjoy sports and join the games of their interest. In the college, there should be an environment that gives everybody an opportunity to compete, officiate, play, coach and volunteer in sports. Inter-ethnic competition should also be burned, and all students should play as a team regardless of the race (Cunningham,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HRM Innovation and Change Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

HRM Innovation and Change - Lab Report Example some employees of the existence of HRM policies and initiatives and the related positive impact on employee retention and overall HRM practices at these News Corporation media companies, the general agreement is that key performance indicators on the relative success of HRM initiatives have been gathering positive momentums at these media giants. Thus this paper has successfully established a set of positive correlations between a number of HRM related key performance indicators and the organizational outcomes especially concerning employee retention strategies at News Corporation. Particularly the environment and employee welfare related policies have shown a progressive improvement. Further employee retention strategies at News Corporation and labor turnover figures are interconnected in such a way that staff members have particularly been affected by a lack of concern for their negative experiences while dealing with customers. Finally this study has clearly identified a positive set of outcomes related to HRM practices and motivation thus News Corporation has acquired a greater dimension of integrity at the inner-house operational level on par with CSR initiatives. News Corporation is a global media company founded by Rupert Murdoch and is the world’s largest publisher of English language newspapers. Its operations span across a number of countries such as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and so on. News Corporation has been faced with stiffer competition in both digital and conventional publishing and therefore it ought to design and implement some far superior and innovative HRM policies and initiatives. News Corporation has initiated a number of changes in the workforce management and HRM practices. Work ethics is differentially applied to generate enthusiasm among employees. Workers at News Corporation are motivated through a good mixture of both financial and non-financial benefits. Performance-related pay might encourage employees to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Arsenic in Groundwater in Eastern New England Research Proposal

Arsenic in Groundwater in Eastern New England - Research Proposal Example In eastern New England, the high concentrations of Arsenic occur in groundwater. Several researches have established that underground water contains arsenic due to bedrock geology (Environmental Science and Technology, 2006). A sample of 790 groundwater test samples from bedrocks within Maine and Augusta revealed that 31 of the samples contain arsenic greater than 10 milligrams per litre. High amount of geogenic arsenic within subsurface water in eastern New England has generated a lot of public health concern within US and the entire world. With a population of approximately 103, 000 majority of the inhabitant have private wells that supply drinking water. A large proportion of these wells have not complied with the requirement of Maximum Containment Level (MCL), which is 10 ÃŽ ¼g/L worldwide (De, Belkin & Lima, 2008). This situation increases exposure of the people using water from these wells to arsenic element. In this scenario, anthropogenic activities such as lumbering, use of pesticides and manufacturing contribute immensely to high levels of the element in groundwater (Henke, 2009). The private well owners by not complying with the MCL recommendations contribute to high increase in arsenic in drinking water drawn from the wells. However, drinking water drawn from unconsolidated aquifers contains less concentration of arsenic. Naturally, unconsolidated sedimentary rocks as well as bedrock aquifers contain arsenic. High concentrations of the chemicals are in glacial, alluvial, and volcanic basins occupied by sedimentary aquifers. In most instances, high concentrations of arsenic in groundwater occur due to geologic units in earth. These include Eliot formation, Berwick Formation, Rangeley Formation, and Ayer granodiorite (De, Belkin & Lima, 2008). Consequently, wells lying on metasedimentary bedrocks in New Hampshire and Maine produce water with the highest

Friday, July 26, 2019

Review of research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Review of research article - Essay Example The article that will be evaluated is Goal Setting Effects in Elite and Nonelite Boxers by M. O’Brien, S. Mellalieu and S. Hanton and published in the Journal of Applied Sports Psychology. In a brief overview, the article Goal Setting Effects in Elite and Nonelite Boxers by O’Brien et al (2009) deals with the question how goal-setting affect or influence elite and nonelite athletes in combat sports like boxing. Addressing this particular question, it has utilised the goal-setting model as developed by Burton et al (2001). It is now in this context that a more in depth look at the article will be carried out. There are three purposes that underlie the research. These are: the primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a goal-setting intervention program upon elite and nonelite boxers selected components of performance behaviors and their indirect psychological responses (O’Brien, 2009). It further holds that it aims to use the contemporary goal –setting model as developed by Burton et al (2001) and that it will extend the application of the said model to multiple baseline with focus on self-generated components of both the elite and nonelite boxers’ targeted and nontargeted performance behaviours over the duration of a competitive season; and (b) boxers indirect psychological responses to the goal program in the form of competitive anxiety and self confidence(O’Brien,2009). The second objective is to identify the underlying mechanisms of goal programs using qualitative analysis and the examination of the retention and outcome effects of the pr ogram. This goal is significant since according to the authors no research prior to this one has been done to look into the effects of goal setting to one-on-one combat sports like boxing (O’Brien, 2009). The third aim is to affirm a previous study that â€Å"elite boxers would experience greater improvements in performance behaviours as compared to the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How Has The Emergence Of The Internet Help The Sport Industry Research Paper

How Has The Emergence Of The Internet Help The Sport Industry - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of the term ‘Information Technology (IT)’ that mainly deals with technology which is utilized for handling information or facts. It is defined as that subdivision of engineering that mainly deals with the utilization of electric devices namely computers and telecommunications protocols to retrieve, accumulate and convey information or facts to other sources, when required. The process of IT includes attainment, dispensation, storage and broadcasting of verbal, pictorial, textual and statistical information with the help of a microelectronics-base, blended by computing and telecommunications. IT mainly utilizes internet as the prime source to transfer information in this era of globalization and industrialization. Internet is an international system which is interconnected with varied computer systems which utilizes numerous usual internet procedure suites (TCP/IP) to serve billions of customers globally. It is a system of netw orks that comprises millions of personal, public, scholarly, business and administration networks around the globe, which are allied by a wide array of electronic, wireless and visual networking equipments. Internet is one of the significant technologies which is utilized to transmit an extensive assortment of information or facts, namely inter-related hypertext credentials of the World Wide Web (WWW) as well as infrastructure to support electronic mails. The introduction of internet has permitted or accelerated innovative types of human relations with the help of immediate messaging, ‘internet forum’, and societal networking sites. ... nd administration networks around the globe, which are allied by a wide array of electronic, wireless and visual networking equipments (Coffman & Odlyzko, 2001). Internet is one of the significant technologies which is utilized to transmit an extensive assortment of information or facts, namely inter-related hypertext credentials of the World Wide Web (WWW) as well as infrastructure to support electronic mails. The introduction of internet has permitted or accelerated innovative types of human relations with the help of immediate messaging, ‘internet forum’, and societal networking sites. In addition, the passion of online shopping also emerged both in retail sectors and in sport industries. This is so, because of internet facility, individuals can access any retail or sports website all round the world in a single span of time, which is highly effective (Rajashekar, 2004). The paper highlights the influences of internet on the industry of sports. It also spotlights vari ous other factors as well affecting the sports industry due to internet. Discussion According to Smith & Westerbeek (2003), internet is one of the primarily used global networks,  which includes an organized set of  computer networks to offer variety of information or facts from one place to the other. Internet is also known by a short form of  scientific term named internetworks, which includes interrelation of computer systems with unique gateways or routers. Moreover, due to emergence of internet, the position of sports industry enhanced in a robust way all around the globe, which is rather quite noteworthy. This is because invention of internet enhanced the competitive advantages of varied sports brands from one another. Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage is referred as the process by

Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tort Law - Essay Example The banks received and paid some cheques worth approximately HK$5.5 million. The cheques appeared to be genuinely drawn by the company and they bore the signature of Mr. Chen who was one of the authorized signatories for the company to the cheques. In each of the instances, the banks used each cheque to debit the companys account. However, these cheques were forgeries and not the companys cheques. An accounts clerk had forged Mr. Chen’s signature on each cheque. The main issue in the appeal is to determine who was to bear the loss arising from the forgeries. The question of general principle was to determine the nature and extent to which a customer has a duty of care to his bank in relation to the operation of his current account. The companys submission was that, where no other agreement exists between the banker and customer, the customers duty could only be limited to two sets of circumstances. In drawing his cheque, the customer must exercise due care. A cheque having a forged signature is not the customer’s and the bank therefore cannot pay it. The customer must also bring to the attention of the bank any forgery, which he discovers so that the bank may take precautions to avoid loss. If any breach of such duty by the customer leads the bank to make payments on the forged cheque, the customer is liable to bear the loss. The banks’ submission on the issue was that from the relationship between banker and customer, the latter has a duty to the former to take precautions to prevent the presentation of forged cheques to the bank and to check his periodic bank statements. That is so as identify and report to the bank any items, which he may not have authorized. The duty is both in contract and in tort (Hodgson and Lewthwaite, 2004, p. 417). In delivering the Lordships’ ruling, Lord Scarman said that their Lordships believed there was nothing to the advantage of the laws development in trying to find a liability in tort

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Research Analysis - Dubai Taxi Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Analysis - Dubai Taxi - Research Paper Example During the early 21st century, the competition prevailed between transportation companies has certainly become more intensive in terms of quality of services, which is gaining the attention of the tourists more than ever before. In this regard, it is perceived that the demand of Taxi in Dubai has revolutionized its public transportation facilities (Hussain, Nasser and Hussain 1-9). 1.2 Aim and Objectives. The prime aim of this research is to conduct a comprehensive marketing research analysis of Dubai Taxi. In relation to this aim, the objectives of the study mainly include determining the expectations of the customers and analyzing the complaints of the customers regarding the services quality of Taxi in local markets of Dubai. 1.3 Research Methodology. In relation to the above context, a qualitative approach of research methodology has been taken into concern with gathering primary as well as secondary data. For gathering primary data, a survey has been conducted amid 100 respondents with the aim of identifying the market of transportation industry (Taxi) of Dubai. In this regard, a questionnaire survey has been prepared for gathering primary data. On the other hand, academic literatures have been reviewed with the aim of gathering reliable information regarding the stated subject matter. 2.1 Research Objectives and Questions. It has been earlier mentioned that the major aim of this particular research study is to determine the services quality of Dubai Taxi services. Simultaneously, this particular research intends to determine the expectations of the customers for developing such services. Based on this particular research aims along with objectives, specific research questions have been framed, which will deliver appropriate understanding regarding the subject matter of the study. The specific research questions

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Philosophy of Social Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy of Social Science - Essay Example (Gordon, 3) The considering of this second aspect engendered by social science, connects it to ethics, to the study of values. Dealing with the concept of "philosophy of social science", the same author defines it as "the study of how we are able to know whether our notions or theories about empirical phenomena are true or false." (3) Another definition is that the philosophy of social science is the study of the logic and the methods of social sciences. This second definition appears in the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. According to the same source the problems it deals with are those connected to answering questions like: "What are the criteria of a good social explanation", "How are the social sciences distinct from the natural sciences", "Is there a distinct method for social research", "Through what sorts of empirical procedures are social science assertions to be evaluated", "Are there irreducible social laws", "Are there causal relations among social phenomena", "Do social facts and regularities require some form of reduction to facts and regularities involving only the properties and actions o f individuals" One of the problems the philosophy of social science is concerned with is that regarding methodology... dividuals having to conform to a model or pattern offered by society, nowadays conceptions emphasize on the importance of respecting one's individuality, conception based on the idea that all human beings are free to choose their own and personal way of life. As a consequence of individualization, a new method of social science research appeared: the biographical method.Extensively discussed in The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and Examples, the biographical method is new to the field of the social science methodology. The explanation the authors give in regard to the fact that social science researchers rejected this method until recently, lies in the fact that "modeling themselves on the natural scientists", they "set out to construct models of body and mind which described uniformities and regularities, and which enabled human behavior to be understood "objectively", that is in terms of its abstracted common attributes" (Chamberlayne, Bornat an d Wengraf, 36). The authors mention the fact that, although biography is commonly regarded today as a written work, it is, in fact, a production of face to face oral communication. The definition provided by the same researchers connects it to the social integration aspect: "The work of orienting the temporal process of the individual's life and of social change." (115) Through biography, meaning by telling their life, people integrate themselves in a context and realize that they belong to a structure, they reconstruct themselves. The biographical method was attacked, researchers warning about its inadequacy and supporting their position by two main reasons: the possibility of having to do with what was called "a neurotic narrator", or a person who invents the facts presented as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay Example for Free

Management Information Systems Essay This paper will discuss the local business of Fascinations Beauty Salon, and the internet strategic model to help develop this company. This business will have to have a new strategy that set up for the viable benefits. Fascinations Beauty Salon will need to be equipped in order to benefit from creating a website. This paper will also discuss the functions of the business through the internet website. Management Information Systems Fascinations Beauty Salon has been in business for quite a long time, like fifty years. It is located in the residential area down the street from an Elementary school and a Baptist Church. The owner Mrs. B. has been doing hair for the majority of her life in the same place and she still has plenty of clients. These clients have been her business for quite some time, and she shares her salon with another beautician that only works certain days. Just recently, Mrs. B. had been trying to research into expanding her business services and was asking about having her business on the internet. Mrs. B. had just realized that she wanted to be in the race with her competitors in the Galveston County area. I spoke to Mrs. B. he other day informing her that Fascinations Beauty Salon could expand the products that she sells on a regularly basis and as well as her services. Between the women that work at this place and the students that have been in the business to get a feel, or trained with internships that she should have a website. So that when people want or need some sort of hairstyle or needs a clip or maybe even a product that only she carries that, they could send a quick electronic email out to the business or they could go to her place of business to receive such services and products. I explained to her that E-commerce is a way that patrons and businesses are getting fast admission to the internet global market. E-commerce is spreading like a wildfire, in the areas of exporting and advertising of manufactured goods and benefits by the usage of central processing units and systems. I advised her that she could triple her business and that I would set up her business with an electronic commerce with a certain type of internet industry example like (B2C) industry-to-customer: which means that ustomers can buy immediately with her company instead of trading with any liaisons. Mrs. B. inquired about the ways that a web site could assist her in benefitting, and I informed her that a web site could assist her company receive a viable gain with a planned effect on her business. With the planned effect on her business implemented as having the lowest assembly or in service expenses, offering distinctive commodities, aiming a definite section of the marketplace, increasing new ways of liability dealing, increasing commodities, or benefits, and starting collections that labor jointly. With electronic storefronts, consumers can shop on the virtual web site via electronic files and shopping pushcart replicas. Also by moving your stock franchise business on the internet, it can improve productivity and increase the buyer overhaul. Here the business can develop an electronic exchange with a combination to contenders and dealers with the benefit of supercomputers and Web sites to purchase and vend merchandise, exchange market statistics, and manage the rear organization procedures, such as monitoring the supplies. The Fascinations Beauty Salon serviceable qualifications for the use of the internet and the web could subsidy it with the physical address of business, telephone number, e-mail, hours of functions, beauty salon overhaul proposed, such as (extensive overhaul shop, loveliness merchandise, waxing, alterations, facials / make-up / skin-care, perms, spirals, haircuts). Also shows advertisements, present documentations, brands suggestions, (Rusk, Nexus, CHI, Matrix, Logics, Red- kens), with exclusive overhaul proposals ( appointments, walk-ins welcome, free parking, group bookings, and clientele performances (all ages, children, men, women, wedding parties). The technological specifications for the chosen business consist of the listed hardware as the following: the case to holds the computer, and a CPU or central processing unit, (also known as a tower) along with drives like CD and DVD drives that can transfer information onto the CD’s and the DVD’s. A monitor the shows the information on the screen along with a keyboard that is used to type information into the computer and a mouse device as a pointing cursor that shows on the monitor. A printer used to print the information as displayed on the monitor. The server domain that I suggest for Fascinations Beauty Salon is Go Daddy. Com, it can be very useful with an SSL Certificate, offers many templates for the business, and is user friendly for everything that pertains to this business. As far as the software, I would recommend that this business would try Hair-Max Salon Software that offers many different optional tabs to assist the business and make it more profitable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

King Arthur Vs Beowulf English Literature Essay

King Arthur Vs Beowulf English Literature Essay Numerous stories about numerous heroes have been told and retold. All of these heroes do different things and all of them have different sets of qualities which make them heroic. Due to the fact that there are only so many heroic adventures and qualities, most are shared in part with at least one other hero. Such is the case between the great hero, Beowulf, from the epic poem Beowulf, and King Arthur from the story of Morte Darthur. These great heroes have strong similarities and a great deal of differences. Once their similarities have been compared I find it evident that Beowulf is the greater hero of the two. True heroes do good things for good people. Such is the case in the story of Beowulf. Beowulf leaves his homeland to help the Danish people rid themselves of the man eating monster, Grendel. This heroic quality is also evident in Morte Darthur, where Arthur consciously rides into a battle in order to rid his people of an evil knight who would not allow others to pass. Both heroes are displaying their concern for others by risking their own lives in battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are also striving to gain the love and respect of the people they protect In order to obtain maximum respect in each conflict, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, That he, alone and with the help of his men, may purge all evil from the hall. His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves so that when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the same, he met with his man and his horse, and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear, and bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again. Although Arthur begins his journey alone he does meet up with Merlin, the court magician and faithful companion, who accompanies him. Much like Beowulf, Arthur gains great respect and praise from his people by fighting alone, even though it is not necessarily the smartest thing to do. The characteristic of being fearless when faced with death is often a trait of heroes because it is associated with courage and strength. King Arthur and Beowulf are not afraid to die, thus showing their courage to their adversaries and followers. When Arthur is faced with death he declares, welcome be it when it cometh, but to yield me unto thee as cowardly I had liefer die than to be so shamed. Simply put, he would rather die than admit to defeat and being cowardly. Beowulf feels much the same way about death. He illustrates this by showing no fear for his own life but instead expressing concern for the honor of King Higlac by asking that, if death does take him, send the hammered mail of his armor to Higlac. In sending his King his armor it recommits himself to his country and lets his King be reminded of his bravery every time he looks upon it. That is the extent, from what I was able to interpret, of which Beowulf and King Arthur are similar. Beowulf has way more confidence in his fighting ability then Arthur has in his. This is evident in the fact that Beowulf fights Grendel unarmed and says my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life. His reasoning behind this is that Grendel is the scorn of men and is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none so nor will he (Beowulf). Facing Grendel unarmed shows that he is brave and, more importantly, unafraid to fight on an equal level with Grendel. Since Grendel is going to fight without the use of weapons, Beowulf creates equality and therefore earns himself even more respect by doing the same. The less confident King Arthur on the other hand fights only with weapons. Once his wounds were amended his first thought was, I have no sword, followed by the task of finding him one. This demonstrates Arthurs relative weakness in his dependence on weapons when held in comparison to Beowulfs willingness to fight a creature greater than himself with nothing but his bare hands. It is this that I feel best illustrates Beowulfs greatness. Beowulf is indeed the greater hero as the help he received from his men was minimal, not by fault of his men but by the fact that Grendel, had bewitched all mens weapons, laid spells that blunted every mortal mans blade, Since Beowulfs men could give him no help due to Grendels spell, he had to defeat the monster by himself, with his bare hands. Arthur on the other hand lost his battle. First Arthur lost a jousting match and then he lost on the ground when the knight smote King Arthurs sword in two pieces. Merlin had to come to his rescue at this point and, by using his magic, he put the knight to sleep for a period of three hours. So to recap, Beowulf defeated a monster with no aid from his companions and Arthur could not defeat a knight and instead had to rely on the aid of magic from Merlin. Even though both King Arthur and Beowulf are great heroes, I think that Beowulf emerges as the greater of the two. He does this through his successful feats, not through his heroic qualities. For when comparing the heroic qualities of Arthur and Beowulf they come up pretty even. Both demonstrate a great love for others as they both try to do good things for other people. Their differences in heroism might be due to the fact that Arthur is a young hero in comparison to Beowulf who is an experienced hero. Either way they, like most heroes, have similarities and differences which make them the characters that they are.

Encouraging Leadership over Management

Encouraging Leadership over Management As defined by Stephen Covey, Effective leadership is putting first things first while effective management is discipline, carrying it out. This offers a brief glimpse on how leadership is different from management. We try to define a leader on the basis of a plethora of qualities such as; a leader should have the charisma, is a motivator, a good listener, a visionary and should be responsible. Leaders can motivate as well as direct people towards the goals and also find out ways for achieving them. Leaders also have the willingness to accept responsibility not only for their own decisions, but also for the decisions of their subordinates. Thus, an effective leader would refrain from passing the buck when it comes to taking the onus for the executed work. Management or managers, on the other hand, have their focus set on the present and the immediate goals. While the managers have the blue print of each task in hand and do not encourage deviations from it, the leaders have a keen eye towards possible innovations or better ways of doing things which may be divergent from the norms already set. This is the reason why a leader can start something new while a manager may be roped in to execute the task in a particular way. To put it into a nutshell, although the concept of leaders might be confused with that of managers, and vice versa, in practice, leaders are the real game changers, whilst managers are ones who have the responsibility of executing the tasks as envisioned by a leader. The world is changing rapidly and with it the ways and means of executing work is going through irreversible change. Earlier, the tasks would be well within the scope of each role, but now, each task is multiple layered and further embedded with many other tasks, demanding more from each role. At this juncture, a manager is bogged down by the how and when. The pressure is deafening, and following a set procedure, while sticking to guidelines, may not always be the solution. It becomes imperative to innovate and find simpler and easier ways of doing things and excelling at them. The reason is quite simple. Competition is stiff, and unless you are doing outdoing your competitor, you may as well quit. Thus, its time that we emphasise on the emergence of leaders from amongst us, who would not only have the required knowledge base, but also have the courage to envision a new path. There are many theories that try to capture the essence of a leader. Some believe that a leader is born and that the leadership qualities cannot be acquired, while some believe that a leader acquires the qualities over the years with experience. There are few who believe that the birth of a leader is situational and they will arise when the occasion demands. The inspiring role of Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain in World War II, is an excellent example of a leader rising up to the occasion. He led Britain to victory and believed in the philosophy that success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. His words in his speeches motivated the British people and encouraged them during the troubled times and paved the way to victory. A leader would always try and create a new path where none existed before. To accomplish that, sometimes, the leaders have to fight resistance and indifference. It is the common attitude to feel secure in mediocrity and predictability, not wanting to change or challenge the present. The thought behind that is the level of comfort that predictability brings. A leader will twist the shackles to break that state of affairs and bring in new light, focusing on things hitherto untouched. Sir Richard Branson, an English businessman, investor and philanthropist is another example of a good business leader. He is the founder and owner of the Virgin group which consists of around 400 companies. He started quite young and showed signs of becoming an entrepreneur at the age of sixteen. With his distinctive leadership, using himself as the personification of the Virgin brand, he created the entire group from scratch and has reached great heights today. A leader like him can always see the bigger picture hiding in the clutter. As per Kurt Lewin, leadership is of three types. This definition is based on the behaviour of the leaders Autocratic leaders Mussolini and Hitler are pretty good examples of autocratic leaders. For them, their own decisions were the most important and they definitely did not encourage the concept of discussion with the subordinates. Autocratic leaders assume that they are superior to others in every capacity and hence the decisions in day to day affairs as well as long term strategic decisions should be taken by them. Democratic leaders -These leaders involve their subordinates in decision making. The team has to agree on a decision and unless that happens, the final decision is not taken. This helps to bring new perspectives and insight into the matter as a lot of people are involved in the ideation. Laissez-faire leaders These leaders have a completely non-interfering style of leadership and allow the subordinates to come up with solutions as well as take final decisions. Though on the surface it seems pretty righteous, in reality it sometimes makes the team seem rudderless as the leader leaves everything on the subordinates. A manager is responsible for the proper and timely execution of a task in hand. For achieving this, they sets rules and norms that they themselves have been following and implementing. The focus of a manger is always on the procedure, or in other words, a manager is always process oriented. They are responsible for getting things done in a preconceived way. For a manager it is very important that all the organisational level activities are carried out in a smooth way and they do not encourage waywardness. For this reason, it is important for a manager to implement control and authority over the affairs through which they get the job done. A manager would always look up to a leader for solutions and answers. This is because the world of business is highly dynamic and the problems keep getting tougher, demanding innovative solutions. As the older methods become redundant, newer technologies and techniques take over. The situation demands immediate countermeasures that can sometimes spell survival. A leader is a visionary who focuses on matters that may encourage or hinder the growth of his business. A leader will ask questions and look for answers. They will be a risk taker. Such risks can sometimes be based on calculations and sometimes on pure intuition. But the success that may follow the risk would not only increase the stature of the leader; it would also make the organisation trust him more. A managers scope is limited to executing the task at hand through various subordinates, that too within a stipulated time period. Major decisions which can affect the very survival of the organisation with respect to policy formulation, strategy designing, etc., is most definitely taken by the leadership of the company. Thus, it is important that the managers try to look above the scope of the fixed norms and broaden their horizon for organisational level decision making. A manager may have a limited scope or a myopic vision towards the emerging future but a real leader will not be swayed by immediate tasks. They will put organisational perspective first and think way ahead of their subordinates. Visionary business leaders like Lakshmi Niwas Mittal of Arcelor Mittal and Martin Sorrell of WPP have achieved great success owing to their belief in their vision and their hard work towards it. For a technology-driven, fast-paced world, the scope for ambiguous decision making is nil. Its important that the organisation not only survives this race, but also gives strong competition to its peers. For this, it is important that managers are encouraged to become leaders and the paradigm of responsibility shifts on the shoulders of the managers as well. A managers role should not be limited to executing the tasks but they should also think as a leader and get involved in the bigger picture. This will help in streamlining the process as well as create future leaders who can step in, if and when the organisation requires them. Thus, the organisation has the responsibility to create leaders instead of just managers who will not only envision the future course of the organisation but also help in achieving it. Encouraging the emergence of leadership over management is the need of the hour if the organisation wants to achieve fairly impossible targets and goals that todays business world puts forth. Just managing the day to day affairs and carrying on the usual course of business is definitely not enough. Innovation and experimentation is important. Carving out a niche out of a crowd of hundreds is important and making a mark is important. A leaders role encompasses all these and more. Although there is an ongoing debate over the differentiation between a leader and a manager, what we need perhaps is an amalgamation of both where the leadership qualities are given their due importance over managerial qualities. Leaders can create a difference with their charisma and inspiring words. The motivation which is piqued through effective leadership is the one through which even impossible targets can be easily achieved by the employees. An effective leader is thus someone who can definitely make a difference in the lives of his employees as well as the organisation as a whole. References Bass, B.M. Stogdill, R.M., 1990. Bass Stogdills Handbook of Leadership-Theory, Research and Managerial Applications. Simon and Schuster. Covey, S.R., 1992. Principle Centered Leadership. Simon and Schuster. Kotter, J.P., 2008. Force For Change: How Leadership Differs from Management. Simon and Schuster. Lewin, K., LIippit, R. White, R.K., 1939. Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology, 10, pp.271-301. Srivastava, A., Bartol, M.K. Locke, E.A., 2006. Empowering Leadership in Management Teams: Effects on Knowledge Sharing, Efficacy, and Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 49(6), pp.1239-51.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The concept of Social Darwinism was initially perceived in European culture in 1877 as a concept used by sociologists with Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theories providing justification for exploitation. Darwin’s theories provided that animals and plants evolved into different species undergoing a process of natural selection, and animals included humans that undergo the same natural selection process as animals. Darwin’s theories were applied to human society in the attempts to answer issues on why there are rich people and poor people, or why there are people who are dark-skinned and others lighter. Social Darwinism became the new tool of the 1800s to give justification for imperial conquest around the world. Christianity was the strong armor used by Europeans to justify their activities of territorial expansion wherein sacred missions such as the Crusades against Islam as well as the efforts to unify Germany, and the colonization of the New World were use d to cover the political and economic motivations of European imperialists. However, in the early part of the 19th century, the sacred mission of religion was no longer accepted as appropriate cover for Imperialism with the increased literacy in Europe through the Enlightenment movement which promoted the widespread use of reason. European imperialism made Great Britain to have control over great world regions dominating over the conquered peoples of their territories. The Europeans believed that the people of its colonies must be controlled over by the more intelligent Europeans and justified their control until Charles Darwin’s work of On the Origin of Species. This published work was highly opposed to by the church and the bible and was further perceived as an urge... ...oor, less successful, or to the disadvantaged minorities in society as such assistance would unnaturally promote the survival of these weaker groups of people and only allow them to reproduce and spread this defective genetics. Justifications for business practices supported by theories of laissez-faire systems were manifested in workers being overworked and underpaid. Practices of social Darwinism created a great gap between wealth and poverty. Social Darwinism as employed by the Europeans negatively affected natural processes of human social structures in social, political, and economic components to justify imperialism, racism, and capitalism. Charles Darwin may not have primarily extended his theories to human society, but European imperialists took advantage of his concept and for generations have unfortunately succeeded in today’s constant racism issues.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Latin American Change Essay -- Colonialism Spanish Latin American Essa

Over the course of the past half-millennium, the 33 countries that now comprise Latin America and the Caribbean have gone through drastic change. Since the discovery of the New World in 1492, each country has gone through some level of colonization by a European power and transition to its current state. During this period the regions have seen political, social, religious and economic transformations of various degrees. Nevertheless, many scholars argue that regardless of the changes encountered, many are merely on the surface with little to no meaningful change instilled. A Variety of leaders have attempted to improve their country by both conservative and liberal means. Despite these attempts, though, the underlying foundation of colonial ideals remains. The colonial period began with the discovery of Hispaniola by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and most Latin American countries gained their independence in the nineteenth century. The colonization of Latin America and the Caribbean was dominated by the Iberian countries with small colonies established by the French, English and Dutch. Regardless of the nationality of the colonizers, almost all of the colonies shared basic characteristics, which have persevered over time in some way or another. It is possible to organize the traits of these colonies into four distinct categories: economic development, religious and social mixing, racial and ethnic mixing and political structures. There were two basic industries found in the New World that shaped their economies: agriculture and mining. Both of these required tremendous labor input to match the demand of continental Europe. Goods such as sugar, cotton, coffee, indigo, tobacco, silver and copper were produced and exported in great quantities. At a very early point in the development of the colonies it was understood that the European settlers weren’t willing to do the physical labor themselves; instead African slaves were brought to the New World in order to work on the plantations. When the situation arose that African slaves didn’t adapt to the conditions properly, Native Indians were forced to labor. This subjugation of Africans and the indigenous populations has had dramatic effects on society. As most regions emancipated the slaves sometime in the mid eighteenth century, a social pyramid developed where white elite’s at the top, mulatto landown... ...d of colonialism has permeated through every aspect of society leaving a legacy with recognizable origins and characteristics regardless of the changes instilled by any specific government. As revisions to the economy, political structure, racial and gender situation and national identity are made it is impossible to escape the similarities of the past. Only drastic, social upheaval can cause the type of change activists dream about. Maybe the Spanish inadvertently left a trait that has hindered growth across their history, the concept of Manana (â€Å"tomorrow†), thus putting important policy decisions for another day. We can find examples in the histories of these countries where significant change is found, but it never has a contagious element allowing it to spread across the region, and it is rarely going to affect more then one aspect of society for any extended amount of time. Regardless, of the actual results we have witnessed in the past, there is one constant: a desire for improvement and the ever increasing number of leaders willing to take unorthodox steps to achieve these goals. As long as these characteristics remain, transitions to desired ideals will eventually occur.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Educating Prisoners - An Unnecessary Effort Essay -- Education Prison

Educating Prisoners – An Unnecessary Effort   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Crime knows no bound, no race, no social status, no gender. In prisons, all criminals are criminals, whether they have committed felony, rape or assault. White-collar crimes are the same as any other crime. Still, most inmates are from the middle class and lower class of our society. However, committing crime, and what kind of crime, is still the choice of the person, whether he has attained a formal education, a higher degree of learning or not. Still the fact remains that the scope of understanding and the extent of knowledge of white-collar crimes, being more complicated by systems and networks, require some kind of formal education, if not an extensive one. This does not mean that educated people only commit white-collar crimes. It only proves education does not mean absence of criminal behavior. This is used to point out the argument that educating prisoners makes them smarter criminals. As they learn new ideas, concepts and theories, and how to apply their learning, educated prisoners can become intelligent criminals. Many victim rights groups view educating criminals as ignoring the victims. Security should be the top priority in correctional institutions. Education is a key to productivity, a key to a more prosperous life. Applying education in crime results in the disruption of the society. And educating prisoners does not mean productivity and a more prosperous life for them because they remain behind bars. Germanotta (110-112) presented phases that a prisoner student passes through. The first phase is the acceptance of prison education as any other jail program like the maintenance of the institution and the recreation program. Inmates may consider prison education as an addition to their recreation program or just a break from the stressful confines of the prison cell. Anyhow, the reasons don’t coincide with the purpose of education, everything is entirely for their own practical and personal reasons not in connection with the function of education. The next phase is the realization of the purpose of education, of learning. This disengages themselves from thoughts of their alienation and they discover social formations and social reality. The prisoner student, thus, begins to have a transformation of point of views and opinions, of himself. He learns and he inspires himself to learn more. ... ...rtainty and reluctance, the professors teaching in the jail institution keep up prison education. They see correctional education as â€Å"vital in reducing the human suffering that breeds crime† (LoPinto). Advocates of prison education also defends this by saying education improves the self-concept of the inmate, thus, producing a productive person whether he is inside bars or not. Mogan justifies that prison education provides the prisoner relevant skills that would help him get back on his feet when he is released from the prison. He argues that educated inmates, when released, are â€Å"more apt to earn incomes above the poverty level† (Mogan) and they become more industrious and free of laziness and hatred. Works Cited Germanotta, Dante. â€Å"Prison Education: A Contextual Analysis.† Davidson 103-121. Thomas, Jim. â€Å"The Ironies of Prison Education.† Davidson 25-48. Davidson, Howard ed. Schooling in a â€Å"Total Institution:† Critical Perspectives on Prison Education. Ed. Howard Davidson. USA: Bergin & Garvey, 1995. Mogan, Rick. â€Å"In Defense of Prison Education.† The Touchstone. Vol.X, No.4 (2000). LoPinto, Bernard. â€Å"Prison Education.† About. 2005. Primedia Co. March 17, 2005

Archaisms and historisms Essay

Introduction We often hear about words being added to dictionaries as they become part of everyday vernacular, but have you ever heard about any words that get removed? Some people argue that if a word has existed at some point in time then it merits a place in the dictionary. After all, who knows when someone may come across it in an old text and need to look up the definition? Others say that dictionaries should reflect the language that we use here and now, and so those words which have become obsolete in everyday language should no longer have a place in the dictionary. Language and culture are constantly changing, so how do we keep up with these changes without losing our past? The article is intended to go back in time and to disclose archaisms in the English language. Different groups of archaisms, the difference between archaisms and historisms, periods of their development, stylistic features, semantic groups and other problems got their reflection in the article. Different viewpoints of scientists, the aim of using archaisms in belles-lettres and their classification are presented and illustrated by the examples in Russian and English. 1. How do words in everyday language become obsolete? The vocabulary of a language never remains stable. There are constant changes in the semantic structure of any language. Words appear, undergo a number of phonetic and semantic changes and finally pass completely out of use. The disappearance of various things, phenomena, etc. causes either com ­plete disappearance of their names or turns them into  «representatives » of a previous epoch. Many words become obsolete in ordinary language, but remain in poetry, in books conforming to a definite style, in oratory, etc. A great many archa ­isms survive in English dialects. Thus the fate of obsolete words may be different. We distinguish two groups of obsolete words: archaisms proper and historical terms (historisms). Before turning to them it is of primary importance to distinguish the terms †archaic† and †obsolete†. The terms â€Å"archaic† and â€Å"obsolete† are used more or less indiscriminately by some authors. The meaning of these temporal labels, however, can be somewhat different among dictionaries. The label archaic is  used for words that were once common but are now rare. Archaic implies having the character or characteristics of a much earlier time. Obsolete indicates that a term is no longer in active use, except, for example, in literary quotation. Obsolete may apply to a word regarded as no longer acceptable or useful even though it is still in existence. In the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin [4th ed.], 2004) the archaic label is described this way: â€Å"This label is applied to words and senses that were once common but are now rare, though they may be familiar because of their occurrence in certain contexts, such as the literature of an earlier time. Specifically, this label is attached to entry words and senses for which there is only sporadic evidence in print after 1755.† The AHD describes the obsolete label thus: â€Å"The label obsolete is used with entry words and senses no longer in active use, except, for example, in literary quotations. Specifically, this label is attached to entry words and senses for which there is little or no printed evidence since 1755.† In Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003), the Explanatory Notes say, â€Å"The temporal label obs for obsolete means that there is no evidence of use since 1755. The label obs is a comment on the word being defined. When a thing, as distinguished from the word used to designate it, is obsolete, appropriate orientation is usually given in the definition. The temporal label archaic means that a word or sense once in common use is found today only sporadically or in special contexts.† Random House Dictionary defines an obsolete word as one â€Å"no longer in use, esp. out of use for at least a century†, whereas an archaism is referred to as â€Å"current in an earlier time but rare in present usage†. However, it should be pointed out that the borderline between â€Å"obsolete† and â€Å"archaic† is vague and uncertain, and in many cases it is difficult to decide to which of the groups this or that word belongs. 2. Archaisms proper: etymology, main features and usage. In language, an archaism (from the Ancient Greek: á ¼â‚¬Ã Ãâ€¡ÃŽ ±ÃÅ ÃŽ ºÃÅ'Ï‚, archaà ¯kà ³s, ‘old-fashioned, antiquated’, ultimately á ¼â‚¬Ã Ãâ€¡ÃŽ ±Ã¡ ¿â€"ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š, archaà ®os, ‘from the beginning, ancient’) is the use of a form of speech or writing that is no  longer current. This can either be done deliberately (to achieve a specific effect) or as part of a specific jargon (for example in law) or formula (for example in religious contexts). Many nursery rhymes contain archaisms. Archaic elements that occur only in certain fixed expressions (for example ‘be that as it may’) are not considered to be archaisms. Archaisms proper are obsolete words denoting real things and phenom ­ena, but the words themselves are no longer found in ordinary English: they were substituted by others, obsolete words becoming their stylistic synonyms. These words are moribund, already partly or fully out of circulation, rejected by the living l anguage. There are three stages in the aging processes of words: they become rarely used; they are in the stage of gradually passing out from use; these are the morphological forms belonging to the earlier stage of the development of the language [thee, thou], corresponding verbal endings [thou makest], many French borrowings [palfreu] they have already gone completely out of use and are still recognized by the English-speaking people. [me thinks = it seems to me, nay = no]. archaic words proper is no longer recognizable in modern English; such words were in use during the Old English period, are earlier dropped out of the language or have changed in the appearance so much that they have become unrecognizable [losso =lazy fellow]. While some words become obsolete from everyday language, others still exist but their meaning has changed over time. Words like fun fur have remained in use as their meanings have been adapted to current circumstances. Fun fur used to refer to cheap animal fur that had been dyed in several colors until the 1960s. Today it refers to synthetic fur. 3. Types of archaisms: lexical and grammatical archaisms and their peculiarities Generally we distinguish lexical and grammatical archaisms.  Grammatical archa ­isms are forms of words which went out of use with the development of the grammar system of the English language: -th – suffix of the 3rd person sing., Present Indef. Tense, e.g. hath, doth, speaketh; -st – 2nd person – dost, hast, speakest; art – 2nd person of the verb  «to be » pl.; thou, thee, thy, thine – pronouns; ye – plural, 2nd person. Lexical archaisms. Poetry is especially rich in archaisms. Words that are too well known and too often used do not call up such vivid images as words less familiar. This is one of the reasons which impel poets to use archaic words. They are  «new » just on account of their being old, and yet they are not utterly unknown to be unintelligible. The following are some of the most common lexical archaisms used in poetry: billow – Ð ²Ã ¾Ã ¹Ã ½Ã °; save – Ð ºÃ'€Ð ¾Ã ¼Ã µ; plain – Ð ¶Ã °Ã »Ã ¾Ã ²Ã °Ã'‚Ã'Å'Ã' Ã' ; behold – Ð ²Ã ¸Ã ´Ã µÃ'‚Ã'Å'; yon (yonder) – Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã'‚; eke – Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ¶Ã µ; brow – Ã'‡Ð µÃ »Ã ¾; foe – Ð ²Ã'€Ð °Ã ³; ere – Ð ´Ã ¾; steed – Ð ºÃ ¾Ã ½Ã'Å'; morn – Ã'Æ'Ã'‚Ã'€Ð ¾; belike – Ð ²Ã µÃ'€Ð ¾Ã' Ã'‚Ð ½Ã ¾; damsel – Ð ´Ã µÃ ²Ã'Æ'Ã'ˆÐ ºÃ °; woe – rope; oft, oft-times – Ã'‡Ð °Ã' Ã'‚Ð ¾; mere â⠂¬â€œ Ð ¾Ã ·Ã µÃ'€Ð ¾, Ð ¿Ã'€Ã'Æ'Ð ´; hearken – Ã' Ã »Ã'Æ'Ã'ˆÐ °Ã'‚Ã'Å'; albeit – Ã'…Ð ¾Ã'‚Ã' , etc. Their last refuge is in historical novels (whose authors used them to create a particular period atmosphere) and, of course, in poetry which is rather conservative in its choice of words. So their main function is to sustain a special evaluated atmosphere of poetry. They form an insignificant layer of special literary vocabulary. On the whole they are detached from the common literary vocabulary. Thus, the use of archaic words is a stylistic device. In historical novels they create an atmosphere of the past. In the depiction of events of the present they assume the function of a stylistic device proper. The stylistic functions of the archaic words are based on the temporary perception of the event. Even when used in a terminological aspect they create a special atmosphere in the utterance. They form a rather insignificant layer of the special literary vocabulary. 1. They are used by authors to produce an elevated (Ð ²Ã ¾Ã ·Ã ²Ã'‹Ã'ˆ) effect. 2. They have a tendency to detach themselves from the common literary word-stock and assume the quality of terms denoting certain notions and calling forth poetic diction. Closely associated with archaisms are poetical words. The use of poetic words doesn’t as a rule create the atmosphere of poetry, but it substitutes its expressiveness. The common way of creating such words is compounding  [young-eyed, rosy-fingered]. Poetic words and expressions are understandable to a limited number of readers. In modern poetry words are often used in strange combinations [the sound of shame]. Poetic words in an ordinary environment may also have a satirical function. They can also be found in other styles, e.g. in journalistic style: proceed (go), the welkin (the sky), the vale (the valley), the devouring element (the fire). Archaic words – yclept (to call, name), quoth (to speak), eftsoons (again soon after) are good examples. They evoke emotive meaning. They color the utterance with the certain air of loftiness (elevation). But generally fail to produce a general feeling of delight. They are taken hacked, too outdate. These words are often used by modern ballet mangers (Ã' Ã ¾Ã'‡Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ¸Ã'‚Ð µÃ »Ã ¸ Ð ±Ã °Ã »Ã »Ã °Ã ´). Some poetical words and set expressions make the utterance understandable only to a limited number of readers. This poetical language is often called poetical jargon. â€Å"Alas! They had been friends in youth; But whispering tongues can poison truth And constancy lives in realms above; And life is thorny; and youth is vain; And to be wroth with one we love, Doth work like madness in the brain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Coleridge) Thou and thy, aye (â€Å"yes†) and nay (â€Å"no†) are certainly archaic and long since rejected by common usage, yet poets use them even today. (We also find the same four words and many other archaisms among dialectisms, which is quite natural, as dialects are also conservative and retain archaic words and structures). Numerous archaisms can be found in Shakespeare, but it should be taken into consideration that what appear to us today as archaisms in the works of Shakespeare, are in fact examples of everyday language of Shakespeare’s time. There are several such archaisms in Viola’s speech from Twelfth Night: â€Å"There is a fair behavior in thee, Captain, And though that nature with a beauteous wall Doth oft close in pollution, yet of thee I will believe thou hast a mind that suits With this thy fair and outward character. I prithee — and I’ll pay thee bounteously — Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as haply shall become The form of my intent†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Act 1, Sc. 2) 32 Further examples of archaisms are: morn (for morning), eve (for evening), moon (for month), damsel (for girl), errant (for wandering, e.g. errant knights), etc. Sometimes, an archaic word may undergo a sudden revival. So, the formerly archaic kin (for relatives; one’s family) is now current in American usage. Archaisms are also most frequently encountered in poetry, law, science, technology, geography and ritual writing and speech. Their deliberate use can be subdivided into literary archaisms, which seeks to evoke the style of older speech and writing; and lexical archaisms, the use of words no longer in common use. Archaisms are kept alive by these ritual and literary uses and by the study of older literature. Should they remain recognized, they can be revived, as the word anent was in this past century. Because they are things of continual discovery and re-invention, scie nce and technology have historically generated forms of speech and writing which have dated and fallen into disuse relatively quickly. However the emotional associations of certain words (for example: ‘Wireless’ rather than ‘Radio’ for a generation of British citizens who lived through the second world war) have kept them alive even though the older word is clearly an archaism. A similar desire to evoke a former age means that archaic place names are frequently used in circumstances where doing so conveys a political or emotional subtext, or when the official new name is not recognized by all (for example: ‘Persia’ rather than ‘Iran’, ‘Bombay’ rather than ‘Mumbai’, ‘Madras’ rather than ‘Chennai’). So, a restaurant seeking to conjure up historic associations might prefer to call itself Old Bombay or refer to Persian cuisine in preference to using the newer place name. A notable contemporary example is the name of the airline Cathay Pacific, which uses the archaic Cathay (â€Å"China†). Archaisms are frequently misunderstood, leading to changes in usage. One example is found in the phrase â€Å"the odd man out†, which originally came from the phrase â€Å"to find the odd man out†, where the verb â€Å"to find out† has been split by its object â€Å"the odd man†, meaning the item which does not fit. The compound adverbs and prepositions found in the writing of lawyers (e.g. heretofore, hereunto, thereof) are examples of archaisms as a form of jargon. Some phraseologies, especially in religious contexts, retain archaic elements that are not used in ordinary speech in any other context: â€Å"With this ring I thee wed.† Archaisms are also used in the dialogue of historical novels in order to evoke the flavour of the period. Some may count as inherently funny words and are used for humorous effect. 4. Historims: main features and classification Historisms are names of things and phenomena which passed out of use with the development of social, economical, cultural life of society but which retain historical importance. Unlike archaisms, historical terms have no syno ­nyms in Modern English: they are only names of things and notions which refer to the past of the English people. The sphere of these words is restricted with scientific literature or with books and novels dealing with certain historical periods. There are lots of his ­torisms in the historical novels of W.Scott and other English authors, e.g.: Historisms are very numerous as names for social relations, institutions and objects of material culture of the past. The names of ancient transport means, ancient clothes, weapons, musical instruments can offer many examples. Before the appearance of motor-cars many different types of horse-drawn carriages were in use. The names of some of them are: brougham, berlin, calash, diligence, fly, gig, hansom, landeau, phae ton, etc. It is interesting to mention specially the romantically metaphoric prairie schooner ‘a canvas-covered wagon used by pioneers crossing the North American prairies’. There are still many sailing ships in use, and schooner in the meaning of ‘a sea-going vessel’ is not an historism, but a prairie schooner is. Many types of sailing craft belong to the past as caravels or galleons, so their names are historisms too. The history of costume forms an interesting topic by itself. It is reflected in the history of corresponding terms. The corresponding glossaries may be very  long. Only very few examples can be mentioned here. In W. Shakespeare’s plays, for instance, doublets are often mentioned. A doublet is a close-fitting jacket with or without sleeves worn by men in the 15th-17th centuries. It is interesting to note that descriptions of ancient garments given in dictionaries often include their social functions in this or that period. Thus, a tabard of the 15th century was a short surcoat open at the sides and with short sleeves, worn by a knight over his armour and emblazoned on the front, back and sides with his armorial bearin gs. Not all historisms refer to such distant periods. Thus, bloomers — an outfit designed for women in mid-nineteenth century. It consisted of Turkish-style trousers gathered at the ankles and worn by women as â€Å"a rational dress†. It was introduced by Mrs Bloomer, editor and social reformer, as a contribution to woman rights movement. Somewhat later bloomers were worn by girls and women for games and cycling, but then they became shorter and reached only to the knee. A great many historisms denoting various types of weapons occur in historical novels, e. g. a battering ram ‘an ancient machine for breaking walls’; a blunderbuss ‘an old type of gun with a wide muzzle’; breastplate ‘a piece of metal armour worn by knights over the chest to protect it in battle’; a crossbow ‘a medieval weapon consisting of a bow fixed across a wooden stock’. Many words belonging to this semantic field remain in the vocabulary in some figurative meaning, e. g. arrow, shield, sword, vizor, etc. Thus we can distinguish the following types of historisms: 1. words of social position: yeomen – Ð ¹Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã µÃ ½, knight – Ã'€Ã'‹Ã'†Ð °Ã'€Ã'Å', scribe – Ð ¿Ã ¸Ã' Ã µÃ'†; 2. names of arms and words connected with war: battle ax – Ð ±Ã ¾Ã µÃ ²Ã ¾Ã ¹ Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã‚ ­ Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã'€Ð ¸Ã º, musket – Ð ¼Ã'Æ'Ã'ˆÐ ºÃ µÃ'‚, visor – Ð ·Ã °Ã ±Ã'€Ð °Ã »Ã ¾, warrior – Ð ²Ã ¾Ã ¸Ã ½, sword – Ð ¼Ã µÃ'‡, gauntlet – Ã'€Ã'‹Ã'†Ð °Ã'€Ã' Ã ºÃ °Ã'  Ð ¿Ã µÃ'€Ã'‡Ð °Ã'‚Ð ºÃ ° = Ð »Ã °Ã'‚Ð ½Ã °Ã'  Ã'€Ã'Æ'Ð ºÃ °Ã ²Ã ¸Ã'†Ð °, archer – Ã' Ã'‚Ã'€Ð µÃ »Ã ¾Ã º Ð ¸Ã · Ð »Ã'Æ'Ð ºÃ °, spear – Ð ºÃ ¾Ã ¿Ã'Å'Ð µ; 3. types of vessels: galley – Ð ³Ã °Ã »Ã µÃ'€Ð °, frigate – Ã'„Ã'€Ð µÃ ³Ã °Ã'‚, caravel – Ð ºÃ °Ã'€Ð °Ã ²Ã µÃ »Ã »Ã °; 4. types of carts which went out of use: brougham – Ð ¾Ã ´Ã ½Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã µÃ' Ã'‚Ð ½Ã °Ã'  Ð ºÃ °Ã'€Ð µÃ'‚Ð °, chaise – Ã'„Ð °Ã' Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ½, Ð »Ã µÃ ³Ã ºÃ °Ã'  Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã ²Ã ¾Ã ·Ã ºÃ ° Ã'  Ð ¾Ã'‚Ð ºÃ'€Ã'‹Ã'‚Ã'‹Ð ¼ Ð ²Ã µÃ'€Ã'…Ð ¾Ã ¼, hansom – Ð ´Ã ²Ã'Æ'Ã'…Ð ¼Ã µÃ' Ã'‚Ð ½Ã'‹Ð ¹ Ã' Ã ºÃ ¸Ã ¿Ã °Ã ¶, Ð ³Ã ´Ã µ Ã' Ã ¸Ã ´Ã µÃ ½Ã ¸Ã µ Ð ºÃ'Æ'Ã'‡Ð µÃ'€Ð ° Ã'€Ð °Ã' Ã ¿Ã ¾Ã »Ã ¾Ã ¶Ã µÃ ½Ã ¾ Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã ·Ã °Ã ´Ã ¸ Ð ¸ Ð ½Ã µÃ' Ã ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã'Å' ­ Ð ºÃ ¾ Ð ²Ã'‹Ã'ˆÐ µ Ð ¼Ã µÃ' Ã'‚ Ð ´Ã »Ã'  Ã' Ã µÃ ´Ã ¾Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ², coach – Ð ºÃ °Ã'€Ð µÃ'‚Ð ° (Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã'‡Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ²Ã °Ã' ); 5. names of old musical instruments: lute – Ð »Ã'ŽÃ'‚Ð ½Ã' , lyre – Ð »Ã ¸Ã'€Ð °. So the number of  historisms which reflect the social life and culture of the past is very great. Conclusion Though many of the words discussed above are rather old-fashioned, outdate and are rarely used in modern society, they still have a unique place in the depositary of English word-stock. Thus they can be found in bigger dictionaries as they might be relevant to specific fields. Words and their meanings are always bound to specific contexts and times in which their meaning makes sense. Anyone learning a language needs to be aware of how words are used today and historically in order to correctly interpret and understand their meaning. So one should always keep up with the constant changes in language to make sure that their skills are the most appropriate for today’s modern world. Methodical literature 1. Ð Ã'‚Ã'€Ã'Æ'Ã'ˆÐ ¸Ã ½Ã ° Г. Б., Ð Ã'„Ð °Ã ½Ã °Ã' Ã'Å'Ð µÃ ²Ã ° О. Ð’., ÐÅ"Ð ¾Ã'€Ð ¾Ã ·Ã ¾Ã ²Ã ° Ð . Ð . ЛÐ µÃ ºÃ' Ã ¸Ã ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã ¾Ã ³Ã ¸Ã'  Ð °Ã ½Ã ³Ã »Ã ¸Ã ¹Ã' Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ³Ã ¾ Ã' Ã ·Ã'‹Ð ºÃ °: Ð £Ã'‡Ð µÃ ±. Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã' Ã ¾Ã ±Ã ¸Ã µ Ð ´Ã »Ã'  Ã' Ã'‚Ã'Æ'Ð ´Ã µÃ ½Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ². ДÃ'€Ð ¾Ã'„Ð °, 1999 2. ГÐ ¸Ã ½Ã ·Ã ±Ã'Æ'Ã'€Ð ³, Ð ¡. Ð ¡. Ð ¥Ã ¸Ã ´Ã µÃ ºÃ µÃ »Ã'Å', Г. Ð ®. КÐ ½Ã' Ã ·Ã µÃ ²Ã ° Ð ¸ Ð . Ð . Ð ¡Ã °Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¸Ã ½. ЛÐ µÃ ºÃ' Ã ¸Ã ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã ¾Ã ³Ã ¸Ã'  Ð °Ã ½Ã ³Ã »Ã ¸Ã ¹Ã' Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ³Ã ¾ Ã' Ã ·Ã'‹Ð ºÃ °: Ð £Ã'‡Ð µÃ ±Ã ½Ã ¸Ã º Ð ´Ã »Ã'  Ð ¸Ã ½-Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ² Ð ¸ Ã'„Ð °Ã º. Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ¾Ã' Ã'‚Ã'€. Ã' Ã ·. Ð’Ã'‹Ã' Ã'ˆ. Ã'ˆÐ ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã °, 1979. 3. Ð Ã'€Ð ½Ã ¾Ã »Ã'Å'Ð ´ И. Ð’. ЛÐ µÃ ºÃ' Ã ¸Ã ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã ¾Ã ³Ã ¸Ã'  Ã' Ã ¾Ã ²Ã'€Ð µÃ ¼Ã µÃ ½Ã ½Ã ¾Ã ³Ã ¾ Ð °Ã ½Ã ³Ã »Ã ¸Ã ¹Ã' Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ³Ã ¾ Ã' Ã ·Ã'‹Ð ºÃ °: Ð £Ã'‡Ð µÃ ±. Ð ´Ã »Ã'  Ð ¸Ã ½-Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ² Ð ¸ Ã'„Ð °Ã º. Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ¾Ã' Ã'‚Ã'€. Ã' Ã ·. ÐÅ".: Ð’Ã'‹Ã' Ã'ˆ. Ã'ˆÐ º., 1986. — 295 Ã' ., Ð ¸Ã ». — Ð Ã ° Ð °Ã ½Ã ³Ã ». Ã' Ã ·. Internet sources

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fashion Theory

Its a Jungle Out at that place he based his radiation diagram pop off on the Thomson gazelle, found in eastward Africa. The collection used many creature skins, and featured this brown fur crown with horns protruding from the shoulders. Macaque used this to symbolize the alliance between animals and benevolents. With this Jacket Macaque uses the horns as a signifier signifying advocator, exemption as head as survival Using this on female models signified power and peculiarity thus giving them empowerment, which was one of his signifier.With consumption of the fierce makeup techniques, the female establish appears formidable and mighty. The symbolism of the horns used suggests power and the ability to defend them selves bonny as the Gazelles do with predators and when courting, while the leather symbolisms resilience. Macaque strategically places the horns on the shoulders of the Jacket, creating a broader silhouette on the female forming an androgynous profile. This the n link up to the stereotypical social structure, in which males dominate.The mislead shoulders appear to symbolism the limbs of the gazelle reinforcing the minimalists eaters at bottom the design of the garment forming the beginning of the human- animal cross. Macaque believed that resembling a Gazelle, humans atomic number 18 fate in life and ar doom to die at the hands of t successor predators. Just like a gazelle get out be hunted and destroyed, a human will be forgotten and lost if they do not fight for their survival is ball club and continue to be remarked and discerned. It is ironic that although animals are usually seen as a lowly existence in rank to humans, Macaque uses them to face strength and power.Here the roles are reversed and unmans are relying on these beasts to represent their ennoblement signifying an exchange of power. Having state this, Macaque, with the animal symbolism, signified freedom. A freedom of expression and identity as an individual, as apposed to conforming. Suzan Hens Macaque however was not the only former to used horns as imagery and symbols within his collection to represent society through counterfeit. South African born room decorator Suzan Haynes also used this symbolism in her newly opened store in Mellower Arch.Suzan admits to gathering her influences from her travels and exposure to the natural. Haynes replaced the heads of her mannequins in her Mellower wicked store with those of reindeers. Her intention of this was to create a fantasy within her store. The signifier set is a female form with a reindeer head thus creating the hybrid. This signifies the fantasy that Suzan intends to create. The female form is positioned in such a manner in which to present a ladylike heir of grace to the mannequin. This demure stance is position by the use of the reindeer head. This signifies edged animal instinct.The animal instinct in this context (Store setting) is erectly related to the unspiritual desire in relation to consumption. It signifies that consumers should be able to give into this desire for fashion as an animal would towards their instinct. This image emphasizes human restraint opposed to animal impulse. This correlates with Roland bathes semiotic theory that links to stories and myth. He argued that at that place is an docket behind communication and that agenda is ideology. The idea that the myth is a deceit and has to do with covering something up and what is rattling going on. Inanimate and animate models and animals

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot Tanah Lot is one of average tourist objects in Bali where the visitors empty can see sunset. Tanah Lot located in Beraban, Tabanan Regency. Tanah Lot as famous as Bedugul. how There are two shrines above a big stone.Text is a thing.This mountain right side is correlating the shrine and land. The form of this highest mountain side is curve as a bridge. Tanah awful Lot is famous with its beautiful sunset. Usually, people can vacant see a sunset at 05.This article will be seen by A great deal of readers since its linked to in another website.

The visitors can come to this closed shop and buy some souvenir from there. The exact location of Tanah Lot is not far from Kuta.It premier jus needs about 30 up to 40 several minutes by using a car. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural public Park is one of tourist ojects in Bali.Typically, people best can observe a sunset in 05.This statue is projected to make a male bonding effect a sight in 20 km in order to it can be seen extract from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and Tanah Lot. bronze Statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana is a symbol of the savety environment wired and the world. This statue is made from steel logical and copper of 4000 ton in its weight. It has 75 metres in its altitude logical and 60 metres in its width.Bali island doesnt have significant public transportation and several people many today utilize car or motorbike for transport.

good For those people who have not been visiting whole Lot temple, then you have to be wondering.Moreover, theres a Hindu temple in the center of woods.Its among those important true vertical temples in Bali.The software is free for chorus both private and industrial usage.

The service provides an easy-to-understand layout.Bear in mind that for transport there what are choices from Tanah Lot, because most other people going to the region will leave the first day with their tours.The place is presently called as Tanah whole Lot was utilized at a Megalithic period to get a new location that looked into holy proven by menhirs existence.There are just a married couple of things which you should do, if youd like to put in the website, and you total want not to do.

A trip to tuan Tanah Lot for sunset is among the most frequent tours.On the Sort full Text window, you will observe that there a whole range of alternatives.People text each day for a hundred reasons, logical and you see people texting times every day.Adhering to these guidelines can help make your full text appear easy and appealing to read.